Jonathan Proctor
Jon is a Ph.D. Candidate in Agriculture and Resource Economics at UC Berkeley. He graduated from Stanford University in 2014 where he studied Earth Systems - an interdisciplinary environmental science, technology and policy major. His research currently focuses on estimating the potential economic impacts of geoengineering and climate change, with a focus on agricultural systems. He is also exploring methodological questions at the intersection of remote sensing, machine learning and causal inference. When he’s not in school, you can find Jon backpacking, rock climbing, or teaching improv and design workshops.

Fields of Interest: Environmental Economics, Geoengineering, Climate Impacts, Remote Sensing, Agriculture.
I Bolliger, T Carleton, S Hsiang, J Kadish, J Proctor, B Recht, E Rolf, V Shankar, Bloomberg Data for Good Exchange (2017)
Proctor, Hsiang, Burney, Burke, Schlenker, Nature (2018)
Link to paper (ungated here)
Resource page (FAQs, graphics, videos, data)
Selected coverage: The Washington Post, Scientific American, The Atlantic, Wired, New York, The Guardian, Axios, Science, Reuters
Berkeley press release