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Recent Research
Emily Aiken, Suzanne Bellue, Dean Karlan, Chris Udry and Joshua E. Blumenstock, Nature (2022)
Link to paper
Selected coverage: The Conversation, NPR, BBC, Wired, Reuters, FastCompany, Berkeley CDSS
Guanghua Chi, Han Fang, Sourav Chatterjee and Joshua E. Blumenstock, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2022)
Joshua E. Blumenstock, Michael Callen, Tarek Ghani and Robert Gonzalez, Review of Economics and Statistics (2022)
Cornelia Ilin, Sébastien Annan-Phan, Xiao Hui Tai, Shikhar Mehra, Solomon Hsiang & Joshua E. Blumenstock, Nature Scientific Reports (2021)
S Hsiang, D Allen, S Annan-Phan, K Bell, I Bolliger, T Chong, H Druckenmiller, LY Huang, A Hultgren, E Krasovich, P Lau, J Lee, E Rolf, J Tseng and T Wu, Nature (2020)
Joshua E. Blumenstock, Nature (2020)
Rhodium Group. (2019).
Almås, Auffhammer, Bold, Bolliger, Dembo, Hsiang, Kitamura, Miguel, Pickmans, NBER Working Paper 25785 (2019)
Duffy, Field, Diffenbaugh, Doney, Dutton, Goodman, Heinzerling, Hsiang, Lobell, Mickley, Myers, Natali, Parmesan, Tierney, Williams, Science (2019)
S Hsiang, P Oliva, WR Walker, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy (2019)
Dingel, Meng, and Hsiang, NBER Working Paper 25447 (2019)
Hsiang & Kopp, Journal of Economic Perspectives (2018)
Proctor, Hsiang, Burney, Burke, Schlenker, Nature (2018)
Link to paper (ungated here)
Resource page (FAQs, graphics, videos, data)
Selected coverage: The Washington Post, Scientific American, The Atlantic, Wired, New York, The Guardian, Axios, Science, Reuters
Burke, Gonzalez, Baylis, Heft-Neal, Baysan, Basu, Hsiang, Nature Climate Change (2018)
Link to paper (ungated here)
Selected coverage: TIME, USA Today, Bloomberg, Scientific American, the Atlantic, SF Chronicle, CNN, World Economic Forum, Reuters, Technology Review, Fortune, Financial Times
N Sekar, W Clark, A Dobson, P Coelho, P Hannam, R Hepworth, S Hsiang, P Kahumbu, P Lee, K Lindsay, C Lopes Pereira, S Wasser, K Nowak, Science (2018)
T Carleton, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2017)
Graff Zivin, J. S.M. Hsiang, M. Neidell, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (2018)
Coverage: Washington Post
I Bolliger, T Carleton, S Hsiang, J Kadish, J Proctor, B Recht, E Rolf, V Shankar, Bloomberg Data for Good Exchange (2017)
T Carleton, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2017)
Selected coverage: AP, Washington Post, The Guardian, National Geographic, The Indian Express, The Wire
Hsiang, Kopp, Jina, Rising, Delgado, Mohan, Rasmussen, Muir-Wood, Wilson, Oppenheimer, Larsen, Houser, Science (2017)
Perspective commentary by Billy Pizer
Resource page (simplified data output)
Full data archive
Selected coverage: Economist, NYT, Atlantic, AP, WP, TIME, USA Today, NPR, CBS, Newsweek, Reuters, Forbes
Deryugina, T., & S. Hsiang, NBER Working Paper 24072 (2016)
F. González, Job Market Paper (2016)
T.A. Carleton & S.M. Hsiang, Science (2016)
Coverage: Bloomberg, Xinhua, ClimateWire, NPR, Quartz, Chile Sustentable, Vvox, Guinee28, Afrique Expansion, East Online,
S. Hsiang & N. Sekar, NBER working paper 22314 (2016)
Replication files (Stata)
Excel replication file for main result
Blog posts explaining paper and responding to critiques: response to Underwood I, response to Underwood II, response to World Bank blog, response to CITES Technical Advisory Group
New York Times editorial discussing findings
Contributed Op-Ed to Guardian debate
CITES CoP17 Information Document 96 we wrote submitted by Kenya: Evidence should be used in the global management of endangered species: A reply to the CITES Technical Advisory Group
Description of paper's impact on CoP 17 ivory legalization decision
Coverage: The Guardian, Washington Post, Newsweek, Xinhua, Forbes, NBER Digest, Voice of America China, News24, The Citizen, The Conversation, Observer,
S.M. Hsiang & A.H. Sobel, Scientific Reports (2016)
Coverage: Washington Post, Scientific American, Xinhua, Radio Santiago, GreenReport.it, TeInteresa.es, América Economíca, SinEmbargo.mx, Piac és Profit
Carleton, T.A., S.M. Hsiang, M. Burke, European Physical Journal Special Topics (2016).
Hess, Delgado, Hamidi, Houser, Kopp, Bolliger, Hsiang, Greenstone, (2019).
Link to static report